RLID: Regional Land Information Database in Lane County, Oregon REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE


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RLID Advanced Training
[updated 03/15/2019]

  RLID Advanced Training

Expand Your Skills Using the Advanced Search Functions of RLID

Key Outcomes for the Class

  • Expand your skills researching and reporting vital land records using RLID Advanced Search and Map Search web-based tools.

Class Outline

Advanced Search

This tool allows users to specify property selection criteria or filters using a wide array of property and location characteristics organized on a series of tabs. Criteria can be specified on a single tab or combined from multiple tabs.

Search results will display up to 5,000 data rows.

Functional Components

Property (tab)

          Improvements (tab)

          Sales/Values (tab)

          Schools (tab)

          Districts (tab)

          Zoning/Planning (tab)

          Business (tab)

          Census (tab)

          Environmental (tab)

          T/R/S (tab)

Map Search

This tool allows users to interact with a map to select custom areas or groups of properties for reporting or data export. Map tools allow selection and un-selection of taxlots using a user drawn point, line, circle, rectangle, or freehand shape.

Search results will display up to 5,000 viewed properties.

          Map Functions

Questions & Comments

Property Research and Reporting Tool for
Lane County, Oregon
City of Eugene website Lane County, Oregon website City of Springfield website Eugene Water and Electric Board website Lane Council of Governments website
Generated by on Oct 22, 2024 at 12:35pm using Regional Land Information Database, https://www.rlid.org/